Special FX

The scary ghost projections on the garage are made with a "AtmosFear FX" DVD (which wasn't cheap, well, really, none of this is) and you guessed it, a projector. I also use a cheap one that I got for $20 that reads a flash drive with an MP4 of spiders on it. I purchase premium fog juices made by CODE 6, which is a very dense fog and is long lasting, the other type is the ChauvetDJ "Steam" / QDF (its not really steam, still fog) this fog is gone almost immediately, giving a CO² cannon effect using a Geyser RGB vertical fog machine. We use various other fog machines, such as the Hurricane 1800 FLEX's and 700s. In 2023, I added some old screens in that I had saved from a TV studio upgrade (that would have just been thrown away) and put eyeballs and a singing face on them, they use 2 media players, one for the eyes that runs on its own, and another that is triggered by a DMX controlled relay to make it play the video file in sync with the show audio (as the systems are not tied together).

Technical equipment used: